Last week I was alone with my daughter. My boyfriend went climbing to Sicily. Yes, I let him go. It is his passion. The worst thing, from my point of view, is not letting your partner to do what he/she likes. Some women might disagree. And I admit it. When your man has way to many passions like cycling & climbing & drinking & spending too much time in bathroom (not in front of a mirror) & watching sports on TV it gets quite frustrating.
I took the week alone with my daughter as a C.H.A.L.L.E.N.G.E. ?
Who doesn’t like challenges, right? π

During this one week as “a single mom” I have learnt these 10 things
- I can easily feel like my old self if I do things I love. Alone!
I was worried I would lose myself when I have a child. That I would be somewhat different.
You have a partner and you are used to spend time together. If you have enough of your partner you just take time off of each other. You go to work, you go to visit friends alone etc. Simple! But now you have a new partner PARTNER. This little cute person that depends on you. And you depend on her/him. You can’t just take time off.
So I figured this.
If you need to relax and feel like your old self send your husband on vacation and give your child to grandparents. You only cannot be this type of mom “No one is doing it right but me!” π It is the straight way to hell. - The rule “You cook, no washing dishes” doesn’t apply
Well, there is no one to do the dishes after you cook. And it sucks! π - If I were a single mom I would possibly become an alcoholic π
I bow in front of all single moms. They are tough girls and we all should admire them because going through this ? it is only for the strong ones.
- I can feed my daughter at 3am and get up at 6:30 and feel energized
I was worried that I would not be able to get up twice a night. But after a week you get somehow used to it.
Text revised at 25th of October: I take back what I wrote above. I am back to my zombie state π - I can stay off social media and surprisingly live without it
What really helped me in the evening was to stay off the social media and off the internet and went to bed at 9:30. Sometimes I ban myself Whatsapp as I cannot see how many people I have not replied yet. When I see it I gotta reply. Do you remember when you had to wait for an e-mail, or an old fashioned letter? I loved it. It was magical to receive an e-mail. and the endorphins were somehow better.
- I definitely gained back what I had lost
Recently I have set up my mind that I am not going to waste any food. My boyfriend filled up our fridge with a ton of food before he left so I wouldn’t die home from hunger. I started panicking that the food would go bad so I ate the chicken roll-up with stuffing, sausages, bread and some more goodies within 2 days… I guess I fell in love with eating carbohydrates. ?
- I gotta feed myself first
It is like in the airplane with the oxygen mask. They advise you “Put on the oxygen mask onto your face first”. I gotta stay ahead of my daughter so she is the more hungry one. π Well you gotta be selfish a bit. Who would feed her if you pass out from a low level of blood sugar? Haaa π - I can feel like single again
Eating lasagna from Lidl, drinking Chardonnay and watching my favorite movie with Meryl Streep. I felt like single again for about 2 hours except there was an angel sleeping in the room next door. ?
- I realized how much I love Meryl Streep
Now when finishing this post I have found out that she raised 4 kids. ? Well, that’s a number. One kiddo is too few, two kiddos are too many. And what about the three and four? Maybe then it is a piece of cake when you raise them the way that they take care of each other and you can put your legs up and have a cup of coffee. - I can do whatever I want if I set up my mind. ?
Sometimes I am my own enemy saying to myself I can’t do something, I cannot achieve this and that. I know that it is the head that messes me up!
It was hard but I must say that I enjoyed this time alone with my daughter very much. I am looking forward being with her alone again next year.
One week is enough though. π
You are so funny, loving, kind and insightful. I has so many laughs and smiles on my face while reading this. It has been a very long time since I had little babies ( I wonβt mention how long but you know). Times have nor changed. Maybe technology but thatβs it. The love we have for our sweet children is the same. Keep up this insightful writing Iβm sure it is uplifting and encouraging to many new and old momsβ€οΈ??
? Wow. Thanks so much. I will keep writing. π I have many ideas on my brainstorming sheet. Sometimes ideas pop up in my head like crazy. Thanks for the support.