I like that the most ideas about what to write next pops up in my head at 1 am or 3 am. Basically at the time when I should sleep so I am not a grumpy and a miserable mommy… π Oh well.
I haven’t written a word for about 2 months. No! 3 months! ? I just didn’t have the right time, an empty room to sit down and write. It might sound like an excuse but really… suddenly I was cooking more, grocery shopping more, playing with my daughter more, cleaning more, being a staying home mom more…
The quarantine is over. And I finally feel I can start over.
I felt the urge to gather up things I learnt, I realized over this time π It might sound silly but that’s the things that were going on in my, i call it, “a life bubble”.
1. Ironing a cloth face mask on top of a blanket made of plastic is a bad idea π
I was lazy to pull out the ironing board and I don’t know what I was thinking about but a fluffy blanket seemed like the best thing to iron on. Until I realized that the blanket is made of plastic. π Oh ooh!

2. Looking into eyes of people with face mask is somewhat strange
Looking into eyes of masked people was somewhat strange. It seemed like you can really see the souls of people. The first time it was freaky but later on I enjoyed to search for an eye contact.
And now, look into my eyes! π
One tip if you get bored while walking in street: I like to do this occasionally. Look into people’s eyes and make them smile. π If you catch 5 people a day smiling back to you, you are an awesome person because you make a day to exactly 5 people. π

3. If he proposes I will say YES π
I and my daughter and my boyfriend made it through the corona time in a flat of 42 squared meters. He used to work at a dining table, I was doing yoga next to him, EliΕ‘ka was going through a phase “climb everywhere and stand up”. I think if he proposes I will say yes. π He, we survived it.
4. I can cook and not waste food
I confess. I cook, I use a half of a can of coconut milk and then this coconut milk is sitting in a fridge crying for a rescue… One day, second day. I feel like I can save it and the fifth day I feel “Whoops, I did it again. ” ? It doesn’t happen often but it does happen. And I hate wasting food. This time well thought through grocery shopping helped…
And I got lucky and I bought this funny looking potato π

5. I admit I had never washed my hands before corona like this. You?
Washing top of my hands, washing tips of fingers? Never ever.
Now I can wash my hands for like a minute and just to make sure I repeat it twice π Better safe than sorry.

6. I am better off TV and social media
One week I kept watching news every half hour, interested in everything what was going on. Later when my friend told me that she was somewhere in woods in a cabin completely off internet I realized that I had to turn these things off and focus only on my daily routine. I can stay off TV now pretty easily but I still should work on some “social media detox”.
7. I can be now as quick as a road runner in a supermarket.
I like going grocery shopping. I like to buy and choose fresh vegetable, fruits… I get then ideas what to cook. But when you have to wear a plastic gloves, actually plastic food bags over your hands and you constantly think of what not to touch it is kind of a nightmare π One time I stood in front of the vegetable… probably 4 minutes with the plastic bags on my hands trying to open another plastic bag for my vegetable. :D.
I used to run into a supermarket, breathed in and frantically picked what we needed for next 3-4 days and when I was outside I breathed out. π The worst thing was when I had to wear glasses because of my eye infection. Foggy glasses isn’t the best thing to look through. π
8. I am pretty consistent about not giving my daughter too many toys
I like when a kid doesn’t have way too many toys. I think less is better. Occasionally I put away some toys so it doesn’t distract my daughter too much. But when you can’t entertain your daughter by going to your friedns, relatives, or outside you must own lots and lots of toys or you need to have lots and lots of plastic things in your kitchen that you can pull out so she can entertain herself.
Well, she was so so so bored.
Eventually I bought a Duplo lego. To my surprise it worked with the pieces that are 30 years old my mom saved. Smart guy who invented this.
Guess who played with the Duplo the most? Me and my boyfriend π
9. Opening a bathroom door without touching a handle is not easy when it’s shut
As all of us heard the THING can stay on surfaces for many hours, so I was careful not to touch anything when going from outside, like door handles, the sink… The heading says it all. Were you different or was I a bit crazy? π
10. I realized that the stoller under storage can hold much more than a rain cover
I often hear the joolz 1 stroller has a small under storage. Ha? I don’t think so. π Okay, it could be a bit bigger but you work things out when you want.

11. I got a reminder… family and health. That’s what matters β€οΈ
I don’t know how to express it so it doesn’t sound too pathetic. I did realize that I have my own family that I worried about. I also worried when my boyfriend had lumbago right the first week of quarantine. Suddenly I had to take care of my little family by myself with achy wrists and back.
I also got a friendly reminder that health is the most important thing and we should take care of it every single day.
How have you been fighting the quarantine? I hope you were and are safe.