I was looking for a recipe for a quick and easy Kung pao. Let’s have a look what I found. It is really quick, easy and delicious.
Kung Pao
Basic ingredients
chicken (1 lb, 500 g)
large onion
2 small bell peppers (green, red) You can use whatever color you want. ;o)
roasted peanuts (2 handfuls)
All the basic stuff you are going to cook and mix together.
Sauce ingredients:
soy sauce (3 tablespoons)
garlic (2 cloves)
ginger (1 tablespoon)
crushed red pepper (1/2 teaspoon)
cornstarch (1 teaspoon)
sugar (1 teaspoon)
water (1/2 cup)
Stuff needed for sauce you marinate chicken in and saute vegetable in.1. Cut up chicken into pieces about 1 inch and put it aside in a bowl with a lid.
Prepare sauce. We will use 2 tablespoons for marinating the chicken, the rest for vegetable.
2. Peel piece of ginger with a peeler and then use shredder.You should end up with about a tablespoon of it. Put the ginger in a small bowl. 3. Mince 2 cloves of garlic. Add it to the ginger4. Add the rest: Soy Sauce, Ginger, Garlic, Crushed Red Pepper, Cornstarch, Sugar and Water. Mix it with a fork. 5. Pour 2 tablespoons of the sauce over the chicken, cover it with a lid, shake it and let it marinate at room temperature for about 10 minutes. Put the rest of the sauce aside for later.6. Cut up the onion into thin stripes. Cup up the peppers into thin stripes.This is all stuff you should have ready: Marinated Chicken, Sauce, Cut up vegetable.
When the chicken is ready you can start “cooking”.
7. Heat up oil in a large pan slowly from medium to high heat. Add chicken and cook for about 5 minutes or until it is no longer pink. 8. Put the chicken aside on a plate. 9. Put onion and peppers into the pan and cook for about 5 minutes. Once in a while toss the vegetable.10. Pour over rest of the sauce and boil it for about 1 minute. The sauce will get thicker due to the cornstarch.11. Put chicken back and stir it. 12. Add 2 handfuls of peanuts. Stir it in. Cook for about a minute until done.
This is the result in a pan.
Kung Pao
And this is the result in detail. π I have to practice steamy pictures π