In Czech we call it “Rýžový nákyp”. Just so you know in case you talk with somebody from Czech. 🙂
As I got this recipe from my mom in European measurements I tried to adjust it to US measurements. In brackets I left the Czech way. Here is what we need.
- 3/4 liter of milk
- 1 cup of rice (20 Dg)
- 3 eggs
- 7 tablespoons of UNSALTED butter (10 Dg) Leave the butter outside on the counter when you start cooking the rice so it will be little bit softer and easier to process it.
- tiny bit of butter you have left for coating the baking dish
- 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar (10 Dg) If you do it in deka gramms, just divide the sugar into 2 halves (1 half to mix with yolks and 1 half mix with whites)
- breadcrumbs for coating the baking dish
- can of peaches or apricots or plums
- lemon zest
- pinch of salt

First you have to cook the rice with milk. It will take about 30 minutes.

Cook the rice with milk over medium heat. When it gets almost to boiling turn the stove down to simmer and let it cook.
Stir it often so the rice wouldn’t get stuck at the bottom.

Let it cool down so it is not hot, just slightly warm.
While letting cool down prepare 2 bowls. One is for the egg whites, the other for yolks.

As the rice would be still slightly warm it will help to melt the butter and mix it all together.

You should get only the yellow peel, not the white stuff cause it could be bitter.
Now we have the mixture ready and we can coat the medium rounded baking dish with butter and afterward with breadcrumbs.

When it is done…

That was a long one 🙂 Hope you will enjoy it and you are not sleeping now like me. 🙂
Sakr sakr. Narazil jsem na webík a tohle. Slintám až na podlahu. Musíme udělat někdy nějakou akci v Praze a budeš vařit!!! 🙂