Black bean burgers

I got this recipe from my colleague Laura Higgins about 4-5 months ago. Every time I met Laura she would ask me “Did you do the burgers or not?” And I always said “No”. Tomorrow eventually I can tell “Yes, I did it”. πŸ™‚ I am going to use this as a proof of my today’s cooking. I know that Laura would be happy to see that I even put together a little manual for many other bean lovers. πŸ™‚

Those burgers are unbelievably easy to do. As a healthy choice you can have them only with some salad instead of in a bun.

All needed ingredients: 2 Cans of Black beans, Mayo, Breadcrumbs, Ground Cumin, Dried Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Fresh cilantro, Oil, Hamburger Buns
All needed ingredients: 2 Cans of Black beans, Mayo, Breadcrumbs, Ground Cumin, Dried Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Fresh cilantro, Oil, Hamburger Buns

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